
How to Create, Join, or Leave a Team

You can join or leave a team or Challenge until there is one week remaining or until it is halfway through if the Challenge is less than 2 weeks long. If the Challenge ends in less than a week, you will not be able to join or leave. If your Challenge is less than two weeks long, you can no longer leave your team after the halfway point of the Challenge.

The maximum team size is 4 participants. You can only be on one team per Challenge.

Creating a Team

After entering a code to join a Challenge, you'll be prompted to pick a team and a list of teams with openings will be shown. 

If you'd prefer to create your own team, follow these steps:

iOS and Android
  1. Tap "Create Team" (at the bottom of the list of Teams) or tap the + in the top right corner
  2. Enter the name of your team
  3. Choose a picture for your team by tapping the + icon/camera icon
  4. Enter a Team Motto
  5. Toggle on "Invite Only" to prevent people from joining your team who haven't been invited (optional)
  6. Tap Save/Submit

Joining a Team

iOS and Android

Tap "Join" next to the team you would like to join or select "Choose Team For Me" to be added to a random team. 


Leaving a Team

  1. Open Challenges
  2. Tap on the name of the Challenge from the home screen
  3. Tap on the name of your team
  4. Select the arrow icon in the top-right corner
  5. Tap Leave Team 

If you select Leave Team, you'll be prompted to select a new team after leaving your current team.

If you have an invitation to join a team, once you've left the team you're currently on, click the invitation link from the team you're trying to join.

  1. Open Challenges
  2. Tap on the name of the Challenge from the home screen
  3. Tap on the name of your team
  4. Tap Leave Team
  5. Confirm

If you select Leave Team, tap on the name of the Challenge from the home screen, and you'll be prompted to select a new team after leaving your current team.

If you have an invitation to join a team, once you've left the team you're currently on, click the invitation link from the team you're trying to join.