Fruit & Veggie Check-Ins
This article will review how fruit and veggie check-ins are done and how many daily points you can earn by logging fruits and veggies.
In the Eat Well Challenge, points are earned for each serving of fruits or veggies you eat daily. The goal is to eat three servings of fruit and nine servings of veggies daily.
🍒 Fruit Check-ins
You can earn 3 points for each serving of fruit, up to 9 points daily. Here’s how a serving is defined:
1 serving = 🥭 1 medium piece or 🍇 1/2 cup or 🍓 150 grams
Eat at least 1 serving of fruit (worth 3 points) to meet your daily goal. Enjoy up to 3 servings to earn additional points (Max 9). Check-in throughout the day to report when you eat your fruit servings.
🍅 Veggie Check-ins
You can earn 3 points for each serving of vegetables, up to 27 points each day. Here’s how a serving is defined:
1 serving = 🥦 1/2 cup or 100 grams raw/cooked vegetables, 🥬 1 cup or 50 grams leafy green vegetables
Eat at least 3 servings of veggies (worth 9 points) to meet your daily goal. Enjoy up to 9 servings to earn additional points (Max 27). Check-in throughout the day to report when you eat your veggie servings.
If you're unsure what is considered a serving of fruits and vegetables, please refer to the guide below:
Logging Fruits and Veggies
You can log fruits and veggies in either the Challenges app on the iPhone or the Apple Watch.
To log a serving of fruit or veggies on iOS, tap the + Fruit & Veggies button, then tap the (+) button for each serving you’ve consumed. Tap "Done" to confirm:

To log a serving of fruit or veggies on Watch OS, tap the Add Fruit or Add Veggies button, then tap the (+) button for each serving you’ve consumed. Tap "Done" to confirm: