
How to Create, Join, or Leave a Challenge

This article will explain how to create or join a Challenge.

Create a Private Challenge

  1. Tap Create Challenge
  2. Select Challenge Type
    1. On iOS - Close Your Rings or Eat Well or Move More
    2. On Android - Eat Well or Move More
  3. Select Competition Type (Teams or Individual)
  4. Name your Challenge
  5. Write a description
  6. Choose a start/end date
  7. Add a banner for the Challenge 
  8. Hit Submit/Save (top right corner)

You will be given an invite code that you can share with your friends so they can join the Challenge. You can also tap 'Invite' from this screen and send invitations to your Challenge via Messages or Mail.

About Joining and Leaving Challenges

You can join or leave a team or Challenge until there is one week remaining, or until it is halfway through if the Challenge is less than 2 weeks long. If the Challenge ends in less than a week, you will not be able to join or leave. If the Challenge is less than two weeks long, you can no longer join the Challenge after the halfway point of the Challenge. 

Join a Challenge

Challenges are private. The creator of the Challenge will be given an invite code that they can share with their friends so they can join the Challenge. They will either share a code with you or an invitation link that opens the Challenges app and will bring you directly to the Challenge to join it. 

Once you have the invite code, follow the steps below:

  1. Tap Join Challenge 
  2. Enter Code
  3. Tap Join

Be sure to join a team once you've joined the Challenge!

Leave an Individual Challenge

  1. Open Challenges
  2. Tap on the name of the Challenge from the home screen
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen
  4. Tap Leave Challenge 
  5. Confirm 

Leave a Team Challenge

  1. Open Challenges
  2. Tap on the name of the Challenge from the home screen
  3. Tap on the name of your team
  4. Select the arrow icon in the top-right corner
  5. Tap Leave Team

If you select Leave Team, you'll be prompted to select a new team after leaving your current team.

If you have an invitation to join a team, once you've left the team you're currently on, click the invitation link from the team you're trying to join.

How to Leave a Challenge or Team

  1. Open Challenges
  2. Tap on the name of the Challenge from the home screen
  3. Tap on the name of your team
  4. Tap Leave Team
  5. Confirm

If you select Leave Team, tap on the name of the Challenge from the home screen, and you'll be prompted to select a new team after leaving your current team.

If you have an invitation to join a team, once you've left the team you're currently on, click the invitation link from the team you're trying to join.