
How to Earn Points in Eat Well Challenge

This article explains how Eat Well Challenge points are calculated. Only the Lose It! app can be used as the food tracking source for the Eat Well Challenge.

Points & Scoring

Total max points per day for this Challenge is 110.

1. Meals

How to Earn: Logging meals in the Lose It! App

Points: 4 points for each meal logged in a day

Daily Goal: 3 meals logged each day

Daily Max: 12 meal logging points each day (3 meals logged)

Note: A meal must have 150 calories or more to qualify.

2. Fruit and Vegetables

How to Earn: Logging fruits and vegetables in the Lose It! app

Points: 3 points for each fruit serving & 3 points for each vegetable serving

Daily Goal: 1 serving of fruit & 3 servings of vegetables each day (12 points) 

Daily Max Points: 36 points each day (3 fruits logged max and 9 vegetables logged max)   

Tips for Earning Fruit and Vegetable Points:

  • A fruit serving is defined as 60 calories
  • A vegetable serving is defined as 10 calories
  • The icon associated with the food item must be a fruit or a vegetable 
  • The name associated with the food item must be a fruit or a vegetable 
  • Items with more than 30% of calories coming from fat do not count
    • High-fat foods with “avocado” or “olive” in the name are exceptions
  • Starchy vegetables like corn, hominy, peas, potatoes of all kinds, and yams will not count towards vegetable points
  • Juices do not count towards fruit or vegetable points.
  • If your fruit/veggie is part of a food with many components (i.e. smoothie, salad, or soup) then you will get the most points by logging each item individually (more info on this here)
  • Foods with high sugar content (> 1.5g sugar for every 10 cals) no longer earn vegetable points (fruits are not affected by this high sugar rule)
  • Foods that do not have nutritional content in Lose It! (i.e fat, sugar, etc are N/A) no longer earn fruit or vegetable points - we suggest logging verified foods
  • Note: foods that fail any of the above criteria will still count towards your meals points, they just won’t accrue fruit/veggie points

3. Exercise/Activity

How to Earn: Awarded based on your activity:

  • iOS
    • Apple Watch - Move ring calories
    • Steps from iPhone - daily step count
  • Android
    • Google Fit Steps - daily step count

Points (if using Watch): 12 points for each time around the ring (1 at a time)

Points (if using Steps): 1 point for every 400 steps

Daily Goal for both: 12 points

Daily Max Points for both: 36 points

Bonus Points

User Bonus points

How to Earn: Complete your daily goals for Know, Nourish, and Move

Points: 14 points

Daily Max Points: 14 points

Team Bonus points

How to Earn: Once you’ve completed your daily goals for Meals, Fruit and Vegetables, and Move, you’ll receive a bonus for teammates who have completed theirs

Points: 4 points for each teammate

Daily Max Points: 12 points 

Note: you cannot earn Team Bonus points if the Challenge was created with the Competition Type set as an Individual Challenge.